The Department of Natural and Cultural Resources turns 50 years old in 2022. The state cabinet agency oversees four pillars of North Carolinian culture: Arts, Nature, History, and Science. These include artistic initiatives and art museums, aquariums and state parks, historical sites, and state archaeology and water stewardship programs. A branding identity for the 50th anniversary was created with the intention of becoming the agency's official branding once the anniversary had passed. My task was to use this new branding to create digital graphics for use in marketing, swag items to hand out at events, and a program and evite to celebrate the official reception for the 50th anniversary of the department at the Governor's mansion.

A group of digital images was created to be shared and used across various digital and social media platforms. A group of digital ads was also created for marketing purposes.

Swag items were also created to market and promote the agency. These items included a lanyard, scarf, sunglasses, button, clear shoulder bag, and color-changing cup. A series of Teams Backgrounds were also created.

In April 2022, the 50th anniversary of the department was officially recognized at the Governor's mansion. I was tasked with designing the evite sent before the event and the brochures used during the event.